About Me

Your Life & Health Coach

The Master of Habit Change
I wake up every day with joy in my heart knowing that I have finally found my purpose and that is to serve! I realize that living is not about being perfect, but about making choices and learning from them and realizing we have the power to create the life we dream of.  I want to be your health, wellness & life coach!

Personal & Inspirational Life Coaching Services

The before picture of my life is not pretty! I lost my mom to cancer when I was 14, I ate my way through my depression and by 30 years old, I was 450 pounds. I started a career working in a life-draining Corporate job and was working to make a living but not being able to live due to my weight. But one day something changed, and I had this strong pull inside that said I was meant to serve others and to help them open the window of possibility and choice in their life. I realized that I was worth so much more than how I was treating myself. I didn’t know why but I was listening to this tiny part of me that told me to honor the challenges I have experienced and appreciate where I was in life and doing that opened the space for me to make amazing and sustainable changes in my life. So, on a journey to finding a healthy balance between healthy and happy, I decided to leave my stressful corporate existence and learn how to serve others in finding this healthy balance. I believed deep in my heart that it was possible, and I was determined to find it for myself and as many others as I could. I know fear will always be present, but I was not going to let that hold me back.     

Fast forward to today where I am still on my journey to optimal health, but my relationship with food is no longer one of fear; my food choices now leave me feeling energetic, light, satisfied, confident, guilt-free and empowered. Food no longer controls me, it supports me. I’m still not one who likes to exercise, but I have found movement that I like to do, and I am incorporating more of it into my daily life. I am able to look at myself in the mirror and appreciate how far I have come, how much more in charge of my life I am and how beautiful and strong I am for believing in myself and knowing I was worth more than I was willing to admit previously.  I no longer live in a constant feeling of overwhelm. 

What makes me unique as a coach is that I have been where so many women are in the feelings of fear, defeat, overwhelm, not being worthy, stressed, depressed, etc. Coming from an extensive career in corporate administration, I know what it is like to feel like you are on a hamster wheel, that time is passing you by and slipping through your fingers and feeling like you have these secret dreams that will never be achieved. As a Coach, I help people reclaim the part of them they lost in their quest for success. 
Together we focus on sustaining habits that are easy to have the lifestyle you desire so that your success in creating a work-life balance is inevitable. I wasted so much time and money on programs, shakes, non-food products, trainers, gym memberships, therapists, supplements, etc. and nothing worked for any length of time and everything required deprivation or created more shame and guilt. Nowhere along that journey was I having fun or feeling truly happy or balanced and it was always so hard and exhausting making the right choices. 

I understand what it is like to feel fearful and trapped living in a body that you loathe and a world with so much chaos that the smallest task feels daunting. What makes me an inspirational, powerful and transformational coach is that I have done what I will help you do. I work with you on a personal level to empower you and help you embrace the magnificent Being you already are. You may not see how your dreams can be fulfilled, but with my system, support and accountability, we will make the impossible possible. My unique journey allows me to pull from so much experience, pain, joy, failure, success, passion and love that I can’t wait to support you in achieving all that you dream of!  I believe everyone is already capable and able to be the version of themselves they desire and this helps me support and hold each person accountable to reach their desired vision. 

I am inspired by helping others transform their lives as they inspire my transformation. I feel blessed beyond belief to be able to have this opportunity to help people reach their dreams, as I stretch to reach my own. 
Love what you do and you won't feel like you are at work! My purpose and passion have connected!!

My belief is that you are 90% of the way there so I am here to help you get that last 10%. 

P.S. I am from Upstate New York and transplanted to Northeast Georgia in 2013. I have my Master’s in Business Administration degree and over 15 years in Health Care Administration for Women’s services. I am honored to provide powerful life and health, coaching to women in Metro Atlanta, Northeast Georgia, New York, Raleigh-Durham, Orlando and throughout the United States. 
Life & Health Coach
The before picture of my life is not pretty! I lost my mom to cancer when I was 14, I ate my way through my depression and by 30 years old, I was 450 pounds. 
Life & Health Coach
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